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- TTT 2024 Open League
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- Regulations
The current active TTT categories are as follows:
- Open League Elite: All Ages, All gendres, tennis coaches, pros, national/future ranked players
- Open League A: All ages, all genders, intermediate to advanced players
- Open League B: All ages, all genders, intermediate players
- Open League C: All ages, all genders, beginners to intermediate players
- Women league: All ages, all levels, women only.
- League 55+: All levels, all genders, only players 55 years old and above.
- Doubles League Elite/A : All ages, all genders, only Elite and A league players
- Doubles League B/C: All ages, all genders, only players from league B and C
- Open Mixed Doubles: All ages, all categories, only mixed teams (1 man and 1 woman playing together against another mixed team)
A player can choose to participate in more than one category as long as the age and level requirements are respected and as long he/she have paid their TTT registration fees accordingly.
A doubles player does not have to play with the same partner during the league. He or she can change partners as long as the age and level requirements are respected.
If you are note sure about your level, please contact directly the TTT directors here:
David ( 08 95947733)
Chrystelle (06 57466422)
Also, you can read this chart of tennis ranking equivalence as a guideline here
If you have registered into a category that does not match your level, please contact as soon as possible the TTT directors.
Move up:
If an established league player would like to move to an higher level category, she/he can request it to the TTT directors.
A good way to see if your level match the higher category is to do cross category matches with players from the above league and see if you can win some matches or at least close scores.
Move down:
If an established league player would like to move to a lower level category, she/he can request it to the TTT directors.
A good way to see if your level is too low for your actual category would be if you are losing all your matches too easily (either due to your technic or fitness)
Please note that once you have moved to an higher/lower category, you need to stay in that category for at least 6 month (expect special cases at the discretion of the TTT directors). The Summer Masters represents half of the season, so moving to a new category up or down for at least 6 month, can happened right after the Summer Masters.
We accept players in the TTT from 14 years old under the supervision of at least one parent during each TTT match.
The minimum age is the age you turn that year
Matches are played to the best of 2 sets with standard tiebreak (7 points) in all 2 sets when games are 6-6.
A decider super tiebreak (first to 10 points with two-points margin) is played when the score is 2 sets all. The winner of the super tiebreak wins the match.
Advantage and no-Advantage
Singles Elite, A and B categories are played with normal advantage
Singles C, and Women league are played with the no-advantage rule.
Doubles leagues are played with the no-advantage rule.
If you have doubts or questions about certain rules of tennis, you can contact the TTT Curator here:
David ( 08 95947733)
Additionally you can find all ITF Rules of Tennis 2022 : Click here.
The International Tennis Federation is the governing body of world tennis.
- The official TTT Group Chats (WhatsApp/Line/Facebook) and other communication platforms are to share information related to the league and tennis only;
This includes TTT match scores, TTT news from Admin and your match requests to other players so they can reach out to you directly in private message in this form:
E.g. “Hi, looking for a match in Single League B , Friday, 5-8PM, all areas. Please send me a private message if you are interested.”
- TTT players are required to be respectful, civil and welcoming and follow our Regulations and Code of Conduct.
- TTT players shall not in any of TTT’s group chat:
- post inappropriate or unsafe content.
- misuse or spam whether it’s in the TTT group chat or to its participants privately.
- use the contact details of each participant for its own personal or business benefit.
- promote your content or any type of business
- buy/sell/trade/give away anything.
- TTT players may report any issue or content they might get offended by directly to the TTT Group Administrator via private message at this number +66 (6) 57466422, so the matter can be settled by the TTT and the TTT only.
- Each TTT player must not use any of the ‘TTT Matches’ group (WhatsApp and Line) to publicly address their issue or report content/comments from other players.
- The TTT reserves the right to issue warnings or ban directly any player from using these platforms depending on the severity of the offense if the user is found posting, messaging or if the underlying aim is deemed by the TTT to be deviating or conflicting from these main objectives (1.), and/or qualified as harmful to the well-being and equilibrium of our TTT community.
- There are no official TTT’s chair umpires nor line judges during regular league matches. The players self-referee their own matches.
- In case of players disagreeing on a ball call, the rule “your side, your call” applies best.
- The ball is called in or out by the player on the court side where the ball bounced last.
- Fair play should always prevail and a point can be replayed at any time.
- Players are allowed a 90-second rest between end changes. This is extended to two minutes at the end of a set, although at the first changeover of the next set the players do not get a rest.
All TTT Players must also read and follow the Code of Conduct to ensure the best levels of fair play and sportsmanship when playing TTT.
The TTT will update the match scores per category weekly and share the contacts of all players available in the section “rankings” on our website. You must be logged in to access.
The players must then get in contact with each other and choose a date and place to play on the island.
It is highly recommended to play at least 1 TTT match every 2 weeks. The TTT rankings indicate the status of each TTT player whether they are considered as ‘active’ or ‘inactive’. The TTT tries to update the status as best as it can every Monday.
The TTT year is divided into 2 seasons:
Season 1: January – June ( time of the TTT Summer Masters )
Season 2: right after the TTT Summer Masters and December when the TTT End of Year Master Finals.
You can play against the same player only 4 times within the same season or 5 times in case the first 4 matches ended with two wins each, so you can play the revenge 5th match.
Each TTT Player shall inform the TTT if their status should be indicated as ‘inactive’ in case of injury or unavailability for a period of more than 20 consecutive days. The TTT can set a player as ‘inactive’ as soon as no TTT match has been recorded within the last 30 days.
Wherever the players decide to play, the cost of the court rental fee must be split equally between the players, unless agreed differently between them.
Fair play and friendly etiquette apply when a player has to postpone a match already planned. Please inform your opponent(s) as early as possible with a minimum of 5h before the match and reschedule the match together.
Please note that in the case you don’t apply the minimum 5h cancellation courtesy, your opponent has the right to record the match as won 6-0 6-0 to the TTT.
Each player must arrive with a can of new balls for their matches. Only new balls can be used for TTT matches and the players decide between them how many balls to use.
After the match, each player will message the result and photo as proof to TTT via the communication platforms available indicating the name of the players, the score, the category and the date and court played:
Khun Boy VS John Smith
6-3, 6-4
Singles Open League B
July 1st at Oceanic Tennis Club
The ranking is per category, meaning that a player participating in more than one category will have a ranking in each category he or she played.
In doubles, the ranking is individual, so a player can change partners any time.
The Ranking is the 15-Points League System:
- The winner(s) of a match receives 15 points
- The loser(s) receives 1 point for each game they win over the 2 sets.
Note: The super tiebreak, played as a decider game when its 2 sets all, does not give any points.
Example: If a match ends 6-4, 5-7, 12-10, the winner receives 15 points, the loser receives 11 points.
The Above points system also applies for doubles.
If a doubles team wins, both winning players receive 15 points each and each of the losing players receives 1 point for each game they win in their two best sets
If you challenge a player from the above category and he/she accepts the challenge, both players will get X1.5 extra points. For exemple John (leagueA) 6-4 6-4 Steve (leagueB), in that case John gets 22.5 points instead of 15 points and Steve gets 12 points instead of 8 points.
In case a player(s) retires before the end of a match, the opponent(s) will receive 13 points instead of 15 points. The defaulting player(s) receives 0 points.
Player(s) who wish to cancel their match within less than 24 hours must inform the other player and accept that the opponent has the right to claim 15 points, as for a no show the match is forfeited 6-0 6-0
No one at this site or connected with the TTT can take responsibility for the safety or security of players whether playing on the courts or in the facilities associated with the TTT, or elsewhere.
Players compete at their own risk and it is the player’s responsibility to ensure any courts used are safe for play. If they are not, you should not use them and, if appropriate, please report any concerns to whoever is responsible for managing the courts.
Players are solely responsible for court hire, tennis ball provision etc. By playing in the league, players confirm that they are not aware of any medical conditions that would prevent them from taking part in an active sport.
The contents of this page and the linked pages form the rules and regulations of the TTT.. Sometimes the interpretation of the rules requires fine judgements to be made and the TTT curator’s decision is final.